XSerif Unicode.ttf font from category X. Available in TrueType format (.TTF) for Windows & Mac. Preview XSerif Unicode font by typing your own text. Download free fonts from Featured Fonts
Tip: Hover your mouse pointer on ttf font XSerif Unicode character map to zoom in.
XSerif Unicode TrueType Font - General Information
File size:
94.9 KB
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Font Family name
XSerif Unicode
Font Subfamily name
Unique font identifier
DTP- XSerif Unicode Version 1
Full font name
XSerif Unicode
Version string
Version 1.00
Postscript name
Created by Type-Designer 3.0
Manufacturer Name
In addition to the codepages mentioned in "Charset/Unicode" table, this font contains Old Russian characters (Yat', Fita, Izhitsa) and combining diacritical marks with it's right UNICODE numbers.
There are also further characters used by Trediakovskij in 18 century and some characters for transliteration in user defined UNICODE area.
You can use these characters only if you have a UNICODE-based text processor (e.g. MS Word 97).
XSerif Typeface
When I wanted to create some special fonts for students of slavistics (e. g. for transliteration an Old Russian) I looked for a font with a "Times®"-like typeface that I could use as a base for my new fonts. But I found that all quality fonts are copyrighted and the quality of free and public domain fonts on Internet didn't please me, so I decided to create a new font with a slightly changed "Times®"-like typeface that I called "XSerif". Most common letters as "A" or "H" probably look like they do in every similar typeface, except slightly different poportions, serifs and weight, but some letters as cyrillic "zh" or cyrillic "l" are originally designed because I didn't like their shape in other "Times®"-like typefaces.
There is only Regular typeface existing at this time.
If you are looking for a base font to create fonts containig special characters you can use XSerif fonts under the two conditions described in "License" table.