How to install TrueType font?
Download the TrueType (.ttf) font file if free download is allowed. You can do this by clicking the Free Font Downloads* link in “Font Toolbox” section and saving the font file somewhere on your hardrive. We recommend installing only one format of a font. All fonts at are TrueType (.ttf) format.
Installing two or more formats of the same font may cause problems when you try to use, view, or print the font. If you are using Safari as your default web browser it will automatically extract a zip file and save it to Downloads folder. Before installing fonts, you should close any open applications. For some applications, new fonts do not appear in the font menu if you install them while the application is open.
* Free font download option is enabled if the font is a Freeware or Shareware
Installing TrueType fonts in Windows OS |
If you temporarily need a font, you don't need to install it. Just double-click on the file, and while the preview window is opened you can use it in most of the programs you'll launch (apart from a few exceptions like OpenOffice).
Note that with the internal unzip tool of Windows (unlike Winzip), you cannot install a font by a simple drag and drop of the from the zip window to the Fonts window. You must first drag and drop it anywhere (for example on the desktop) then into the Fonts folder.You can also go through: File > Install a new font... in the Fonts folder menu then browse the fonts, instead of drag and drop the fonts into the window. Although this method is laborious, it would seem that it functions better in some cases. |
Installing TrueType fonts in Windows 7
Right click the font file and click properties Under the General tab you will see Unblock button Click on it (Ignore this step if there is no Unblock button and continue to steps 1 or 2).
- Double click font file and click Install button on the upper left corner.
- Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop font file into the Fonts folder. The Fonts folder is located in C:\Windows\Fonts
Installing TrueType fonts in Windows Vista
- Right click the font file and select Install.
Installing TrueType fonts in Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
- Option 1: Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop font file into the Fonts folder. The Fonts folder is located in C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\WINNT\Fonts.
- Option 2: Navigate to and locate and double click the Fonts folder. Click File and Install New Font select the folder which has the font you want to install and click OK. The Fonts folder is located in C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\WINNT\Fonts.
In XP you can reach the Fonts folder by clicking Start>Control Panel>Appearances and Themes and clicking Fonts icon. In prior version of Windows you can reach Fonts folder by clicking Start>Settings>Control Panel>Fonts
Installing fonts in Macintosh OS |
Installing TrueType fonts in Macintosh OS X
- In the Finder, open the folder or disk that contains the fonts you want to install.
- Select the font suitcases for the font you want to install.
- Drag and drop the font into the Fonts folder in the Library folder.
Note: If you want fonts to be available to applications running in Classic mode, you must install TrueType fonts into the fonts folder inside the Classic System Folder.
Installing TrueType fonts in Mac OS 9.x or 8.x
- In the Finder, open the folder or disk that contains the fonts you want to install.
- Select the font suitcases for the font you want to install.
- Drag and drop the font onto the closed System Folder icon.
- Click OK to install the font.
Macintosh System 9.x allows you to open 512 suitcases at once. Macintosh System 8.x and earlier only allow you to open 128 font suitcases at one time. If you exceed these limits, not all the fonts you install will work. If you use a font management utility to manage your fonts, follow the instructions for the utility to install and remove fonts.
Installing TrueType fonts in Linux: |
- Option 1: Copy the font file to fonts:// in the File manager.
- Option 2: Go into the /home folder, in the menu select View > Show Hidden Files, you will see the hidden folder .fonts (if not, create it) then copy the font file there.