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VTC-BadEnglischOne Regular

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Download free VTC-BadEnglischOne Regular.ttf font from category Gothic. Available in TrueType format (.TTF) for Windows & Mac. Preview VTC-BadEnglischOne Regular font by typing your own text. Download free fonts from Featured Fonts


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VTC-BadEnglischOne Regular TrueType Font - General Information

File size: 127.8 KB
Font Author
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Font Family nameVTC-BadEnglischOne
Font Subfamily nameBlack
Unique font identifierWolfBainX-LarryE.Yerkes,VigilanteTypefaceCorporation: VTC-BadEnglischOne: 2010
Full font nameVTC-BadEnglischOne
Version stringVersion 1.000 2010 initial release
Postscript nameVTC-BadEnglischOne
TrademarkVTC-BadEnglischOne is a trademark of WolfBainX- Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation.
Manufacturer NameWolfBainX- Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation
DesignerWolfBainX- Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation
DescriptionCopyright © 2009, Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation,WolfBainx and Associates All rights reserved. This font should not be distributed without a License and is not to be modified under any circumstances.This Font is provided free for personal non-commercial use and not to be used for commercial purposes without purchasing those rights from the copyright holder. Email: Abrasiveart@gmail.com for any questions or to purchase the rights to use this font in a commercial venture.-(http://www.myspace.com/wolfbainx - http://wolfbainx.deviantart.com/ - http://www.facebook.com/wolfbainx)
URL Vendorhttp://www.myspace.com/wolfbainx
URL Designerhttp://www.myspace.com/wolfbainx
License descriptionCopyright © 2010, Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation,WolfBainx and Associates All rights reserved. This font should not be distributed without a License and is not to be modified in any way by use of font software. Feel free to photoshop away and modify the look any way you wish. All I ask is that you not modify the actual font "Code" Itself. This Font is provided free for personal non-commercial use and not to be used for commercial purposes without permission of the copyright holder or by purchasing those rights from the copyright holder. Email: Abrasiveart@gmail.com for any questions or to purchase the rights to use this font in a commercial venture. Feel free to Use this font any non commercial way you wish! By non-commercial I mean if you are not going to make a ton of money off of my typeface feel free to use it as you wish. If I start seeing it on tshirts in the mall without my permission,expect a call or me showing up at your door.haha. If you want to use this typeface on shirts,hats,cups,stickers, etc...all I ask is I'm given proper credit for the font design and I love to recieve gifts of what my typeface is being used for so feel free to contact me anytime about showing me how my fonts are being used! I wear a 4XLT if you want to send me a shirt! haha! best regards Larry E Yerkes WolfBainX AbrasiveArt@gmail.com The following are my websites currently where I can be reached. http://www.myspace.com/wolfbainx - http://wolfbainx.deviantart.com/ - http://www.facebook.com/wolfbainx
License information URL



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