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Etcetera.ttf font from category E. Available in TrueType format (.TTF) for Windows & Mac. Preview Etcetera font by typing your own text. Download free fonts from Featured Fonts


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Etcetera TrueType Font - General Information

File size: 33.9 KB
Font Author
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Font Family nameEtcetera
Font Subfamily nameRegular
Unique font identifierEtcetera
Full font nameEtcetera
Version stringShareware V1 - cbrown@eon.net.au
Postscript nameEtcetera
Manufacturer NameChris Brown (visual design)
DesignerChris Brown
DescriptionThe name ETCETERA came from my fondness for words that describe the act of not listening when you appear to be listening. It is like other words of the same calibre....whatever blah, blah, blah - yada, yada, yada - and so on. (analyse that!)
URL Vendormailto:cbrown@eon.net.au
URL Designermailto:cbrown@eon.net.au
License descriptionETCETERA was made by Chris Brown (visual design) It is not FREE, it is SHAREWARE. If required to use commercially, please email first. Chris Brown (cbrown@eon.net.au) A license fee is applicable. ETCETERA is not in the public domain and remains the exclusive property of Chris Brown. ETCETERA may not be redistributed in any way. That is: it may not be distributed commercially, it may not be sold, it may not be included on any form saleable package, it may not be converted or renamed, it may not be made available for download without the express written permission of Chris Brown. Chris Brown shall, in no event, be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this font. Remember ETCETERA is not free, it is shareware.



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