Dni Script Linguistic Mapping.ttf font from category D. Available in TrueType format (.TTF) for Windows & Mac. Preview Dni Script Linguistic Mapping font by typing your own text. Download free fonts from Featured Fonts
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Dni Script Linguistic Mapping TrueType Font - General Information
File size:
13.0 KB
Font Author
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Font Family name
D'ni Script LM
Font Subfamily name
Unique font identifier
D'ni Script LM: Version 1.0
Full font name
D'ni Script Linguistic Mapping
Version string
Version 1.0
Postscript name
D'ni Script LM
All things D'ni �, these letters and symbols were created by Cyan Inc. and are a trademark of Cyan Inc. Copyright � Cyan Inc. 1993-1999.
Manufacturer Name
Sebastian Ochs (Jehon)
All things D'ni � were created by Cyan Inc.
This is the everyday script of the D'ni. The D'ni were a very old race from a planet they called Garternay. They had developed an extraordinary skill called the Art, which allowed them to break the boundaries of space and time: with their mighty language, special ink and special books they were able to write links to other worlds/ages. When an unknown threat forced them to leave Garternay, they wrote a book which brought them to the Earth. There they lived for about 10000 years in a giant underground cavern, well hidden from the surface dwellers, until some day, when... Well, you better discover the whole D'ni legend for yourself. ;-)
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License description
This font is Freeware! You must not sell it or charge for the use of it. You are not allowed to use it commercially, it is for non-commercial use/websites only! You may distribute it on those websites, but please send me an e-mail with your URL if you do so! :-)