Download free Brubeck AH.ttf font from category Script. Available in TrueType format (.TTF) for Windows & Mac. Preview Brubeck AH font by typing your own text. Download free fonts from Featured Fonts
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Brubeck AH TrueType Font - General Information
File size:
115.8 KB
Font Author
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Font Family name
Brubeck AH
Font Subfamily name
Unique font identifier
Fontgrube: Brubeck AH
Full font name
Brubeck AH
Version string
Postscript name
Manufacturer Name
Fontgrube AH
Andreas Höfeld
A brush-like slightly condensed calligraphic font for many usages.
This font is free for non-commercial, i. e. non-profit purposes. If you do something nice or sensible with it I am curious to learn about it - please let me know by email. Also if you have any suggestions about the font.
You may pass it on as it is, but only together with the accompanying text file. You can change or convert this font for personal use only. Please do not circulate altered copies. Contact me - I will include your changes if I like them; otherwise be happy with them but don't circulate your version.
If you want to put the font on your homepage please ask before you do. If you want to put it on a CD, feel free as long as you send me a specimen copy.
Commercial licenses available on request.
Andreas Höfeld