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BABEL Unicode Italic

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BABEL Unicode Italic
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BABEL Unicode Italic.ttf font from category B. Available in TrueType format (.TTF) for Windows & Mac. Preview BABEL Unicode Italic font by typing your own text. Download free fonts from Featured Fonts


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BABEL Unicode Italic TrueType Font - General Information

File size: 824.3 KB
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Font Family nameBABEL Unicode
Font Subfamily nameItalic
Unique font identifierJuan-Jos? Marcos. BABEL. 2004
Full font nameBABEL Unicode Italic
Version stringVersion 2.00 Lunes 19 Enero 2004
Postscript nameBABELUnicode-Italic
Manufacturer NameJUAN-JOSÉ MARCOS
DescriptionBABEL Unicode has been specifically designed to type LATIN, ANCIENT GREEK, HEBREW, SANSKRIT, RUNIC, OGHAM and OLD ENGLISH. But this font allows to type most Latin-based European languages ( Esperanto, Spanish, French, English, Gaelic, Welsh, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Slovak, Turkish, Norwegian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Croatian, Swedish etc), Modern Greek, most Cyrillic-based languages (Russian, Old Russian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Abkhasian, Azerbaijani/Azeri, Uzbek, Tajik, Bashkir, Tajik etc), most Hebrew-based languages (Yiddish, Ivrit and Ladino) and most Devanagari-based languages (Hindi, Nepali, Sanskrit etc).
URL Vendor
URL Designermailto:jmag0042@guindo.cnice.mecd.es
License descriptionBABEL Unicode TTF ha sido diseñada por Juan José Marcos (Plasencia. España) para el sistema LinEx desarrollado por la Junta de Extremadura. BABEL Unicode es software libre. Puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los términos de la Licencia Pública General de GNU según es publicada por la Free Software Foundation, versión 2 de dicha Licencia (Junio 1991). BABEL Unicode se distribuye con la esperanza de que sea útil, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA. No obstante si usted encuentra algún error o tiene alguna sugerencia, hágamelo saber escribiéndome a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico jmag0042@guindo.cnice.mecd.es 29 Marzo 2003 BABEL Unicode TTF font has been designed by Juan José Marcos (Plasencia. Spain) to be used with the operanting system LinEx, destributed by the "Junta de Extremadura" BABEL Unicode TTF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License, (June 1991). BABEL Unicode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Nevertheless if you find any error or have any suggestion, please e-mail me at jmag0043@guindo.pntic.mecd.es March 2003
License information URLhttp://www.gnu.org/home.es.html



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